500 gram daging sapi, potong menjadi 10
600 ml santan kental, dari 1.5 butir kelapa
300 gram baby potato
5 sdm minyak goreng
300 ml air
Bumbu halus :
10 buah cabai merah iris
6 butir bawah merah
3 siung bawah putih
3 cm kunyit
3 cm jahe
3 cm lengkuas
1 sdm garam
Bumbu lainnya :
1 lembar daun kunyit
1 batang serai
2 butir asam kandis
Cara membuat :
Tumis bumbu hingga harum, masukkan daging, aduk hingga berubah warna. Masukkan daun kunyit, serai, dan asam kandis. Aduk perlahan.
Tuangkan air dan masukkan baby potato. Masak hingga air menyusut. Aduk perlahan sesekali.
Masukkan santan, masak dengan api sedang. Biarkan hingga daging empuk,
kuah kering, dan berminyak. Angkat, sajikan.
500 grams of beef, cut it into 10
600 ml thick coconut milk, from 1.5 coconuts
300 grams of baby potato
5 tablespoons of cooking oil
300 ml of water
Ground spices:
10 sliced red chilies
6 red bottom grains
3 white bottom cloves
3 cm turmeric
3 cm ginger
3 cm galangal
1 tablespoon salt
Other seasonings:
1 sheet of turmeric leaves
1 lemongrass stalk
2 candlestick grains
How to make
Saute the spices until fragrant, add the meat, stir until it changes color. Add turmeric leaves, lemongrass, and kandis acid. Stir slowly.
Pour water and add baby potatoes. Cook until the water shrinks. Stir slowly occasionally.
Add coconut milk, cook on medium heat. Allow the meat to soft, dry, and oily sauce. Lift and serve.
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