Rabu, 24 Juni 2020


By: susie.agung


1 kg daging sapi (sengkel)
2 papan petai, kupas 
2 ons cabe merah besar, iris bulat 1 cm
4 lembar daun salam 
2 batang serai 
2 sdm gula merah
1 bungkus kecil santan instan 
2 gelas kaldu sisa merebus daging
4 sdm kecap manis 
2 sdm kecap asin 
Secukupnya garam & kaldu jamur

Bumbu halus:

14 butir bawang merah 
8 siung bawang 
6 butir kemiri 
2 ruas jempol lengkuas muda
30 cabe merah keriting ( sesuai selera)
Cara membuat:

1. Didihkan air, masukkan daging, masak sampai empuk , angkat lalu potong dadu, sisihkan. Saring air rebusan daging dan sisakan 2 gelas.
2. Goreng cabai merah setengah matang, angkat dan sisihkan.
Goreng daging sebentar, angkat lalu tiriskan, sisihkan.
3. Tumis bumbu halus sampai wangi, masukkan salam & serai, masukkan petai, daging, aduk rata, bumbui garam, kecap manis, kecap asin dan gula merah , aduk rata, masukkan cabai merah yang sudah di goreng,  santan dan air kaldu, masak sampai bumbu meresap, angkat, sajikan



1 kg of beef (annoyed)
2 boards, peeled
2 ounces of large red chili, 1 cm round slices
4 bay leaves
2 lemongrass stems
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 small packet of instant coconut milk
2 cups remaining stock of broth boil meat
4 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons soy sauce
To taste salt & mushroom broth

Ground spices:

14 red onions
8 cloves of onion
6 candlenuts
2 young galangal thumb segments
30 curly red chillies (to taste)
How to make:

1. Boil water, add meat, cook until tender, lift then diced, set aside. Strain the cooking water of meat and leave 2 cups.
2. Fried red chili half-cooked, remove and set aside.
Fry the meat for a while, remove from heat and drain, set aside.
3. Saute the spices until fragrant, add the bay & lemongrass, add the banana, meat, stir well, season the salt, soy sauce, soy sauce and brown sugar, stir well, add the red chili that has been fried, chili and coconut water, cook until the spices seep, remove and serve

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