Bahan :
Bumbu yg di haluskan
5 siung bawang merah
3 siung bawang putih
3 cm kencur
1/2 sdt ketumbar
2 lembar daun salam
Sepotong lengkuas geprek
1 ikat bayam cuci bersih tiriskan.
1 bush labu siam potong"
1 jagung potong"
1 wortel potong
Cabe merah potong"
1 liter air
Santan secukupnya.kekentalan tergantung selera masing- masing
Gula,garam, penyedap secukupnya.
Cara buat :
Rebus air sampai mendidih.masukan bumbu halus daun salam,lengkuas.biarkan sampai mendidih.lalu masukan jagung juga wortel.stlh hampir lunak masukan bayam,cabe potong.tuangkan santan lalu beri rasa.
Stlh semua matang.matikan api.siap sajikan
Material :
Blended seasoning
5 cloves of shallot
3 cloves of garlic
3 cm kencur
1/2 teaspoon coriander
2 bay leaves
A piece of galangal geprek
1 bunch of spinach wash thoroughly drain.
1 bush chayote chopped chopped "
1 cut corn "
1 sliced carrot
Red chili peppers "
1 liter of water
Coconut milk to taste. Thickness depends on each taste
Sugar, salt, flavoring to taste.
How to make :
Boil water until boiling. Put in the spices of bay leaves, galangal. Let it boil. Then add corn and carrots. After almost soft, add spinach, chilli cut, pour coconut milk, then give flavor.
After all cooked. Turn off the heat. Prepare to serve
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