By : eunice_euston
Bahan :
π¦2 kepiting uk. Besar, bersihkan ( rebus dgn jahe 3cm geprek dan 1 btg sereh geprek)
π¦1 buah Jagung manis, potong2
π¦1 daun bawang, potong2
π¦6 buah cabe rawit, potong2
π¦1 butir telur, kocok lepas
π¦ 1 sdt maizena larutkan dgn sedikit air
π¦Minyak Goreng secukupnya utk menumis
π¦ Air matang secukupnya
π¦ garam, gula secukupnya
π¦3 sdm saus tiram
π¦5 sdm saus tomat
Bumbu 1 :
6 butir bawang merah
8 siung bawang putih
15 buah cabe keriting merah
3 cm Jahe
4 buah kemiri
Bumbu 2 :
2 batang serai, geprek
3 lbr daun salam
5 lbr daun jeruk
Cara buat :
1. Panaskan minyak goreng lalu tumis bumbu 1 & 2 sampai wangi.. masukkan air secukupnya, didihkan
2. Tambahkan saus tomat, saus tiram , garam gula. Aduk rata,, tunggu mendidih masukkan kocokan telur perlahan sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk memutar pakai garpu. Masukkan kepiting.
3. Setelah itu masukkan larutan maizena,, aduk rata sampai kuah aga mengental dan bumbu meresap.
4. Masukkan potongan daun bawang dan cabe rawit .. aduk rata, test rasa.. angkat dan sajikan ππ .
π¦2 UK crabs. Large, clean (boiled with ginger 3 cm geprek and 1 btg lemongrass geprek)
π¦1 sweet corn, cut into 2 pieces
π¦ 1 leek, cut into 2 pieces
π¦ 6 cayenne peppers, cut into 2 pieces
π¦1 egg, shake it off
π¦ 1 teaspoon cornstarch dissolve with a little water
"Fried oil is sufficient for sauteing."
Matang sufficient boiled water
π¦ salt, sugar to taste
π¦ 3 tablespoons oyster sauce saus
π¦5 tablespoons of tomato sauce
Season 1:
6 shallots
8 cloves of garlic
15 red curly chillies
3 cm Ginger
4 candlenuts
Season 2:
2 lemongrass stalks, geprek
3 pcs of bay leaves
5 tablespoons of orange leaves
How to make :
1. Heat the cooking oil and saute the spices 1 & 2 until fragrant ... add enough water, bring to a boil
2. Add tomato sauce, oyster sauce, salt sugar. Mix well, wait for it to boil, add the beaten egg slowly little by little while stirring, turning around using a fork. Add the crab
3. After that, add the cornstarch solution, stir well until the sauce thickens and the spices are absorbed
4. Enter the chopped green onion and chili .. stir well, taste test ..
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