by. hana_kitchenn
Bahan :
500gr daging sapi
2 btg serai memarkan
5 daun jeruk
6 sdm kecap manis
15 cabai rawit utuh/sesuai selera
Secukup nya garam
Gula,air asam jawa
Bumbu halus :
10 bawang merah
5 bawang putih
15 cabai merah keriting
4 kemiri
Seruas jahe
Secukup nya minyak
untuk menumis bumbu
Secukup nya air
Cara buat :
Tumis bumbu halus,serai,daun jeruk
hingga harum. Masukan daging, kecap, garam, gula, air asam, masak hingga daging berubah warna.
Masukan air secukupnya masak hingga daging empuk test rasa. Angkat sajikan sekejab jamin abis ini moms😍 . . .
500gr beef
2 lots of lemongrass memarkan
5 orange leaves
6 tablespoons soy sauce
15 whole cayenne peppers / according to taste
Salt to taste
Sugar, tamarind water
Smooth seasoning:
10 shallots
5 garlic
15 curly red chillies
4 candlenut
As broad as ginger
Just enough oil
for sauteing seasonings
Just enough water
How to make:
Saute ground spices, lemongrass, orange leaves
until fragrant. Add meat, soy sauce, salt, sugar, acid water, cook until the meat changes color.
Add enough water to cook until the meat tastes tender. Lift it up and serve it in a moment, after this moms😍
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