Bahan :
- 1kg telur ayam
- 250 gram garam kasar
- air secukupnya
- 10 siung bawang putih
- cabe rawit sesuai selera ya bunda
Cara buat :
1. Pertama telur di cuci bersih untuk menghilangkan kotoran yang nempel
2. Kedua larutkan garam dengan air secukupnya lalu di masak sampai mendidih dinginkan
3. Ketiga iris bawang putih dan cabe rawit kecil kecil ya bund
4. Ke empat masukan telur yang sudah di cuci tadi ke dalam wadah yang sudah berisi air garam yang sudah didinginkan jangan lupa bawang putih dan cabe nya juga masukan
5. Terahir siapkan air dalam plastik ukuran 1kg tujuan untuk menindih telur2 yang sudah dalam wadah tadi agar tidak mengapung..
lalu kasih tutup wadah nya tadi ya bund rendam selama 10-15hari saja biar ga kelamaan ga keasinan telurnya bunda
tahap paling ahir di rebus telurnya bund langsung pake air rendaman tadi selama 30 menit angkat siap di sajikan telur asin home made nya bunda...selamat mencoba yah.... ☺☺
Material :
- 1kg of chicken eggs
- 250 grams of coarse salt
- enough water
- 10 cloves of garlic
- cayenne pepper according to taste mom
How to make :
1. First the eggs are washed clean to remove dirt stuck
2. Second dissolve salt with enough water then cook until it boils, cool
3. Third, slice garlic and small cayenne pepper, bund it
4. Enter the four eggs that have been washed earlier into a container that has been filled with salt water that has been cooled, do not forget the garlic and chillies are also input
5. Finally prepare water in 1kg plastic size for eggs in the container so as not to float.
then give the container a lid so it is only soak for 10-15 days so that it doesn't over time the salinity of the mother's egg
the last step is to boil the eggs directly using the marinade for 30 minutes, ready to serve the home made salted eggs, mother ... good luck ...
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