Jumat, 26 Juni 2020


By @maudyfs ⁣


1kg sayap ayam, bersihkan, potong 2 bagian⁣
2 cup tepung terigu⁣
1 sdt merica⁣
1/2 sdt kaldu bubuk⁣
Minyak goreng secukupnya⁣

🍗Bumbu Halus:⁣
5 siung bawang putih⁣
1 ruas jahe⁣
2 sdt garam⁣
Cara: haluskan semua bahan⁣

🍗Bahan saus:⁣
3 siung bawang putih, haluskan⁣
7 sdm saus barbeque (aku pake merk del monte)⁣
1 sdm madu⁣
3 sdm saus tomat⁣
7 sdm saus cabe⁣
1 sdt gula pasir⁣
Air secukupnya⁣

Cara membuat:⁣
1. Ayam yg sudah dibersihkan, dimarinasi (direndam dalam bumbu halus) selama minimal 30 menit.⁣
2. Tambahkan tepung terigu, lada dan kaldu bubuk ke dalam ayam yg sudah dimarinasi. Aduk rata, cubit-cubit ayam dan tepungnya agar hasilnya keriting dan crispy.⁣
3. Panaskan minyak goreng secukupnya menggunakan api sedang, goreng ayam hingga matang dan golden brown. Sisihkan.⁣
🥫Cara membuat saus: panaskan minyak, tumis bawang putih hingga harum, masukkan semua bahan saus, tambahkan air, koreksi rasa, masak hingga mendidih. Matikan api. Biarkan setengah dingin.⁣
🍗Penyelesaian: masukkan ayam goreng tepung ke dalam wajan saus, aduk rata hingga semua bagian ayam terbalut saus. Sajika fire chicken wings bersama saus keju. Siap cocol!⁣


Material : ⁣

1kg of chicken wings, clean, cut into 2 parts⁣
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon broth ⁣
Cooking oil to taste⁣

HalusSweet Seasoning: ⁣
5 cloves of garlic⁣
1 ginger segment
2 teaspoons salt
How to: puree all ingredients⁣

Saus Sauce ingredients: ⁣
3 cloves of garlic, puree⁣
7 tablespoons of barbecue sauce (I use the brand del monte) ⁣
1 tablespoon honey⁣
3 tablespoons tomato sauce saus
7 tablespoons chili sauce
1 teaspoon sugar⁣
Enough water

How to make: ⁣
1. Chicken that has been cleaned, marinated (marinated in spices) for at least 30 minutes
2. Add flour, pepper and powdered broth to the marinated chicken. Mix well, pinch the chicken and flour so the results are curly and crispy.⁣
3. Heat the cooking oil to taste using medium heat, fry the chicken until cooked and golden brown. Set aside.⁣
AraHow to make sauce: heat oil, saute garlic until fragrant, add all the sauce ingredients, add water, correct the flavor, cook until it boils. Turn off the heat. Let it half cool
🍗 Completion: place the flour fried chicken in the saucepan, stir until all parts of the chicken are wrapped in sauce. Sajika fire chicken wings with cheese sauce. Ready to go! ⁣

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