Untuk 5 porsi ・・・
Resep bakso sapi ini sungguh sederhana, tapi menghasilkan bakso yang nikmat!
1000 gr daging sapi segar (jangan dari frezeer)
4 sdt garam
1 sdt merica bubuk
½ sdt baking powder
30 gr tepung tapioka
250 gr es batu
3 liter air untuk merebus
Cara Membuat:
1. Masukkan daging, garam, merica bubuk, baking powder dan es batu ke dalam food procesor. Proses hingga daging halus.
3. Kemudian keluarkan dari food procesor. Masukkan ke dalam wadah. Tambahkan tepung tapioka. Uleni hingga rata.
4. Didihkan air lalu kecilkan apinya. Ambil adonan daging dengan tangan, lalu sendoki bulat-bulat, masukkan ke dalam air mendidih. Kerjakan sampai selesai. Baru kemudian besarkan apinya sampai sedang saja. Masak hingga matang, ditandai dengan bakso yang mengapung.
5. Angkat dan tiriskan.
1. Kuah bekas merebus bakso bisa dipakai kembali, tinggal tambahkan sedikit bumbu masak/penyedap rasa, sedikit garam dan merica. Sajikan bersama bakso, beri taburan daun bawang, saus tomat/sambal.
2. Sisa bakso yg belum sempat dimakan, bisa disimpan dlm frezeer. Bisa dipakai utk bahan masakan lainnya seperti capcay, sop, mi goreng, nasi goreng, dll.
3. Bila tidak punya food procesor, bisa menggilingkan dagingnya di penggilingan daging. Dengan ongkos murah didapatkan daging yg lebih lembut. Begitu sampai rumah baru diolah jadi bakso. .
Serves 5 ・ ・ ・
This beef meatball recipe is really simple, but it produces delicious meatballs!
1000 gr fresh beef (not from frezeer)
4 teaspoons of salt
1 teaspoon ground pepper
½ teaspoon baking powder
30 grams of tapioca flour
250 gr ice cubes
3 liters of water to boil
How to make:
1. Enter the meat, salt, pepper powder, baking powder and ice cubes into the food processor. Process until the meat is smooth.
3. Then remove it from the food processor. Put it in a container. Add tapioca flour. Knead until smooth.
4. Boil the water then reduce the heat. Take the meat mixture by hand, then sendoki round, put it in boiling water. Work to the end. Only then increase the flame to moderate. Cook until cooked, marked with meatballs that float.
5. Lift and drain.
1. Meatball stew can be used again, just add a little seasoning / flavoring, a little salt and pepper. Serve with meatballs, top with scallions, tomato / chili sauce.
2. The remaining meatballs that haven't had time to eat can be stored in a frezeer. Can be used for other ingredients such as capcay, soup, fried noodles, fried rice, etc.
3. If you don't have a food processor, you can grind the meat in a meat mill. With cheaper costs, softer meat is obtained. Once the new house is processed into meatballs. .
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