Kamis, 25 Juni 2020


Bahan :

500gr daging sapi/tetelan
2 lembar daun salam
6 lembar daun jeruk
1 batang serai, geprek
1 ruas lengkuas, geprek
Secukupnya garam, kaldu, gula merah
Secukupnya air

Bumbu halus:

10 siung bawang merah
4 siung bawang putih
150gr cabe rawit merah (sesuai selera)
10 buah cabe merah keriting
1 buah cabe merah

Bahan taburan:

Secukupnya cabe rawit merah utuh


1. Siapkan semua bahan
2. Cuci bersih sandung lamur/tetelan, rebus sampai empuk lalu potong².
3. Tumis bumbu halus, salam, daun jeruk, serai dan lengkus sampai bumbu wangi dan matang.
4. Masukkan sandung lamur/tetelan, aduk rata. Tambahkan air, garam, gula dan kaldu, aduk rata. Masak sampai matang dan air menyusut.
5. Sesaat sebelum diangkat masukan cabe rawit utuh, aduk², masak sebentar. Sajikan .

500gr beef
2 bay leaves
6 pieces of orange leaf
1 lemongrass stalk, geprek
1 galangal segment, geprek
To taste salt, broth, brown sugar
Enough water

Ground spices:
10 cloves of shallot
4 cloves garlic
150gr cayenne pepper (to taste)
10 curly red chilies
1 red chili

Sprinkling ingredients:
To taste whole red cayenne pepper

1. Prepare all ingredients
2. Wash the brisket / tetelan clean, boil until tender then cut into pieces.
3. Saute ground spices, bay, orange leaves, lemongrass and curry until the spices are fragrant and cooked.
4. Enter the brisket / set, stir well. Add water, salt, sugar and broth, stir well. Cook until cooked and the water shrinks.
5. Shortly before lifting, add whole cayenne, stir, cook for a while. Serve

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