Ala. andinskitchen .
Bahan :
1 buah wortel *iris korek api
7 buah buncis *iris serong
2 butir telur *kocok rata
4 butir bakso *iris (boleh skip atau ganti dengan sosis iris)
5 siung bawang putih *cincang
Secukupnya garam, gula, dan kaldu bubuk
Secukupnya lada bubuk *optional, aku skip
Langkah :
1. Buat orak arik telur. Lalu masukkan bawang putih. Tumis bawang putih hingga harum dan matang kemudian masukkan bakso dan aduk rata.
2. Masukkan wortel kemudian disusul buncis. Aduk rata hingga matang tapi jangan kelembekkan yaa harus masih ada kress kressnya saat dimakan.
3. Beri garam, gula, kaldu bubuk, dan lada bubuk. Aduk rata kemudian koreksi rasanya. Sajikan
Material :
1 carrot * matches
7 beans * sliced slices
2 eggs * shake well
4 * sliced meatballs (may skip or replace with sausage slices)
5 cloves of garlic * chopped
To taste salt, sugar, and powdered broth
To taste the optional * ground pepper, I skip
1. Make scrambled eggs. Then add the garlic. Saute the garlic until fragrant and cooked then add the meatballs and stir well.
2. Enter the carrots and then the beans. Stir until cooked, but don't soften it, you have to have a hard press when you eat it.
3. Give salt, sugar, powdered broth, and ground pepper. Mix well then correct the taste. Serve
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